
Under the 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act, all businesses with over £36m in annual turnover conducting business in the UK are required to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement.


Our Commitment

The CT Group welcomes the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the duty it places on organisations to disclose the steps they are taking to prevent modern slavery within the business and their supply chains.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all matters.

We are headquartered in the United Kingdom, and have offices in Australia, India, Italy, Singapore, Dubai and the United States of America.

Our staff, consultants and contractors are fairly paid. Our staff are given annual reviews, work under transparent contracts and rewarded at market rates.  We have employment policies that protect our people from unfair treatment and promote a fair and inclusive workplace. These policies are clearly set out to our staff in an employee handbook, which includes how to raise concerns or complaints. We have also established a wellbeing initiative to support our team’s mental fitness.


Contractors who work in support roles are vetted and we engage through reputable agencies, on whom we conduct due diligence. We also source our supplies through well-established retail outlets, which adhere to the 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act where relevant. We are continuing to develop procurement policies to ensure our on-going compliance with this legislation.